Dream of Pastel

Some people may dream of love or dream of happiness but what I truly desire is to dream of pastel. I want to be able to dream of a world where I am shielded by the harsh colors of reality, hoping and dreaming, never truly being awake.

So you may be wondering what the hell I’m talking about in the paragraph before this. Well, while I was coming up of a name for this look, a somewhat remnant of my emo phase seemed to surface for who knows why. But oh well, I find it quite fitting. Now for my usual musings … I have taken quite an adoration for this outfit, especially my shorts! My friends and even strangers whom I have just met told how they loved/liked my outfit! But I have yet again been mistaken for a cosplayer, I find that to be my stocking’s fault for being so girly. But still, I love those tights to pieces. How about you, what do you think of my latest ensemble?

ROMWE shorts; Forever 21 top; Topshelf Apparel Manila blazer; Accessorize tights; Payless shoes


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