I Wonder What Would Happen If You Say What You Wanna Say (Brave - Sara Bareilles)
Dress Brave, Be Brave.
When you wear something that you like or something that you think will look good on you, your confidence gets a boost. Gaining confidence will attract people as well as happiness. It sounds great and all, but we all know it is not as easy as it sounds. Behind that seemingly unwavering confidence could lie an anxiety that is ready to burst at any moment! Although some people can be brave without the help of good clothes, a little confidence booster from your closet would still be nice. Even if wearing those “confidence clothes” do not necessarily make you feel confident, the people around you can still be fooled! When a guy wears a suit, he seems like a different person, a confident person. So next time when you choose what you will wear, ask yourself whether or not wearing those clothes will make you feel confident or if you even want to wear those clothes.

Dress Brave, Be Brave.
When you wear something that you like or something that you think will look good on you, your confidence gets a boost. Gaining confidence will attract people as well as happiness. It sounds great and all, but we all know it is not as easy as it sounds. Behind that seemingly unwavering confidence could lie an anxiety that is ready to burst at any moment! Although some people can be brave without the help of good clothes, a little confidence booster from your closet would still be nice. Even if wearing those “confidence clothes” do not necessarily make you feel confident, the people around you can still be fooled! When a guy wears a suit, he seems like a different person, a confident person. So next time when you choose what you will wear, ask yourself whether or not wearing those clothes will make you feel confident or if you even want to wear those clothes.

So you might be wondering what is with all this “brave” talk about. In my last outfit post, Yes or a No post, I mentioned my anxiety about an internship. Well guess what! I just bagged myself an internship, one that I think would be fun and fulfilling but at the same time it is also one that needs a lot of hard work. I wore my favorite corporate attire, practiced all night long and added in some genuineness. I came in as myself, nothing more and nothing less.
ZeroUV black and white stripes circle sunglasses; Forever 21 black and white stripes pullover; Kismet red and white lace skater skirt; off white and red bow peep toe heels
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