Christmas has always been my favorite holiday, I anticipate it even more than I do so for my birthday. I mean, did my birthday mean no classes/work? No, not always. Both occasions may mean feasts and presents but oddly enough, I get way more presents on Christmas than I do for my birthday.

Last year, I got the best gift I could have ever had. As the owner of Little Dreamers PH wrote on my letter, as kids we would be excited for gifts but now as a mom, having a kid is the best gift ever. Christmas came in early for our little family and everything just seemed a little brighter with a little one filling our house with her voice.

I’m not gonna lie, being a first-time mom was no walk in the park. More often than not, I could not keep my case of baby blues at bay and at most times, I question whether or not I may be experiencing postpartum depression because as I read, it is not as uncommon as one might think it is.

Apart from the struggles of establishing breastfeeding and learning the ropes of taking care of Baby Qlyliz, the trouble of having to take care of her on my own was nerve-wrecking. My husband did not know how to take care of a baby and was not going to learn anytime soon so we decided to split tasks. He was stuck with all house chores and I ended up concentrating all my efforts on our little bundle of joy.

Once I settled into taking care of and breastfeeding my baby, we started going out. As I mentioned in my Qlyliz the Little Dreamer post, we did not have a lot of baby clothes that fit her. The ones that do fit her were plain and not really ideal for gatherings. Luckily, my baby clothes from Little Dreamers PH arrived just in time.

One of the features that I really liked about Little Dreamers PH clothes was that the fabric was really thick. It was perfect for the cold weather as well as the air conditioned setting of Cafe 1228. I let my baby wear the red Rudolph outfit a lot because it was the thickest and warmest outfit we could let her wear and also because it had these snap buttons, convenient for diaper changes. The snap buttons really helped because there was no changing station at the places we stayed at for her first Christmas.

We spent her first Christmas with Isaac’s family at his relatives’ place while we spent Christmas with my family at Cafe 1228.

Being the cheezy person that I am, I wanted to match clothes with my baby as closely as possible. I just wanted to find ways to bond with her because I know that Christmas will never be the same again due to our little one.

This is my first entry of a new segment in my blog, the Daughter Diaries. The first chapter is “Baby Steps” which tells about our life with my daughter as a baby.
Red and white outfit: Eazy Fashion black and white top; thrifted red skater skirt.
Blue outfit: Mart of China denim button down dress; black tights; nude flats.
Red outfit: Little Dreamers Ph red reindeer onesie; Tiny Tummies white booties.
Blue outfit: Little Dreamers Ph blue flapper dress onesie; Tiny Tummies white hat; Tiny Tummies white booties.

Congratulations Arleen for winning my Top-O giveaway!


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