I Feel Fluffy

My friend invited me to her birthday celebration last November at Lugang Cafe. We ate a lot and it was really yummy. I didn’t take pictures though because everyone was hungry and ready to eat the dishes. This is what I wore to her birthday celebration. I adore the fluffy feeling I get when I wear this culottes bandeau dress. If you’ve noticed the shape is kind of different from when I wore it on my Dainty Days outfit. I made the shape at the bottom wider by wearing my tiered tulle skirt that I also wore in Pastel Patriot and in Lady in Wait. Although I’m only blogging this outfit now, I wore my necklace in this I Feel Fluffy outfit earlier than my Why Don’t You Loosen Up outfit. I first wore the shoes in my Denim Darling Returns and it’s only recently that I’ve started wearing them to school everyday because I was afraid of them getting dirty. So yeah, this outfit was all about me mixing and matching.

Speaking of Christmas, I spent my Christmas this year at 7-Eleven lol. That’s why I wasn’t able to post this blog post on time, I specifically planned to post this on Christmas but the plans changed. And I’m pretty sure a lot of people already greeted you a merry Christmas so I’ll be the one to greet you a belated Merry Christmas and advanced Happy New Year!


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