Pancake House

I thought it would be fitting to use this food post as my announcement post for my Dualshine giveaway winners because this food post took place in the same day as the day I wore my outfit for my Dualshine giveaway. Yeah I know, I posted this food post late lol. Anyway, this time I ate lemon pancake peak, seafood gambero, spanish omelette and drank mocha milkshake at Pancake House Katipunan. You can find Pancake House beside KFC, near the first footbridge that connects Katipunan to Ateneo.

Mocha Milkshake
The meal started with the drinks. They served the mocha milkshake first. I found it so-so but I didn’t like how overpowering the coffee flavor was since I don’t drink coffee. I prefer mocha, cappuccino or frappuccino since you can hardly taste the bitterness of the coffee or at least I thought so. Those are whipped cream, chocolate chips and marshmallows by the way and beside that is my beloved ring and nail ring.

Seafood Gambero
At this point, I was really hungry so I was relieved that the seafood gambero finally arrived. But then I remembered that it was my friend who ordered this dish and not me. I did get to try it though. Not sure if it was the hungry tummy talking but I remember it being scrumptious! I wanted more of it but I was too shy to take more because the portions seemed like it was meant for only one person.

Spanish Omelette
I was thinking maybe I should have ordered seafood gambero instead of the Spanish omelette. Not that it didn’t taste good but I felt like the seafood gambero would make me feel fuller. The omelette wasn’t bad, I liked it actually but like I mentioned in my Mom and Tina’s food post, I am biased when it comes to egg dishes. Oh and if you’re thinking that the presentation looks sloppy, that’s my fault actually. I wanted to show you the potatoes, green peppers and tomatoes that was inside the omelette.

Lemon Pancake Peak
Oh oh, here comes my favorite part, dessert! I have a problem with pancakes or at least I used to. I always spread the syrup first (if I use butter, then butter goes first), after that I slice them into tinier pieces so they become bite sized. But by the time I’m going to eat them, it feels like the pancake dried up or like they lacked syrup. But when I discovered that there was such a thing as pancake towers, my problem was solved! This was my first time trying pancake towers and my first time having lemon syrup for pancakes instead of the usual maple syrup. I really liked the lemon syrup and the cream cheese mix, every bite was heaven! Or at least it was for me.


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