Boho Bows

Sometimes when I get home from my night class, I get really tired. Just last week, I had to look for my driver in our school’s parking lot which is really big by the way. The hard part was looking for the car in the dark. I wasn’t even sure if he was there because I couldn’t communicate with him. I found out later on that his phone had lost reception making him unable to receive my text. Anyway, I was tired when I got home. I was so tired that I had only realized the next day that I had worn panties with napkin over panties with napkin before going to bed. Panty-napkin-ception? Yes, I am most definitely weird.

I’ve been repeating this outfit for quite some time now that my friend keeps telling me “Didn’t you wear that last week?” and I’d be like “Whaaat? No, I did not! I mixed it up by changing my shoes.” The truth is that I kept repeating this outfit because I haven’t had the chance to take a photo of this outfit because of weather reasons. I didn’t wear the sunglasses to school though but I thought it looked nice with this outfit and it’s a great way to cover up eye bags. This is one of the few outfits that I just have to have a photo of no matter what, even if I have to be an outfit repeater lol.

white boho print asymmetrical shirt; ROMWE bow shorts; mint backpack and ankle strap wedges; cream circle sunnies


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